Magnets Collector Robot

Magnets Collector



  • Ruller
  • Scissors
  • Screwdriver
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Rubber bands


  • BBC Micro:Bit
  • Micro:Bit adapter
  • 2 x 360deg micro servo (3,3V compatible)

Building time:

45 min



Project info

Magnet collector robot takes a funny and unexpected use of a BBC Micro:Bit built-in magnetometer sensor. Micro:Bit can detect changes in magnetic field around it so we can detect when a user places a small magnet inside the robot arm pocket. When such activity occurs the arm is lifted and the magnet is thrown into the sorage space on to of the cardboard robot.

This project is funny and easy to build however requires a bit more coding experience to program properly due to the fact that magnetometer is a bit whimsical and prone to noise so we have to take some time to understand how the sensor reacts to magnets and how to interpret its readings.

All in all building and programming magnet collector robot makes a great example of a STEAM activity with elements of robotics, physics and coding.

Building manual

Design plan

Micro:Bit Code